(#794450775) Gmail Forwarding Confirmation - Receive Mail from creeationcreeps@gmail.com
creeationcreeps@gmail.com has requested to automatically forward mail
to your email
address designf1shirt.CasualShellGarage_@blogger.com .
Confirmation code: 794450775
To allow creeationcreeps@gmail.com to automatically forward mail to
your address,
please click the link below to confirm the request:
If you click the link and it appears to be broken, please copy and paste it
into a new browser window. If you aren't able to access the link, you
can send the confirmation code
794450775 to creeationcreeps@gmail.com .
Thanks for using Gmail!
The Gmail Team
If you do not approve of this request, no further action is required.
creeationcreeps@gmail.com cannot automatically forward messages to
your email address
unless you confirm the request ...